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Monday, October 18, 2010

"Mistakes are painful when they happen....but years later collection of mistakes is called 'Experience'...which leads to success"

Various friends posted (in Various Social Networking Sites) their view/meaning of "experience" in their life the way they think...I thought to share mine basis one of my friend's post..he said similiar to what I say basis my age..."I am not 31…I am 18 Years old with 13 years of EXPERIENCE :) "

To make it simpler for today's techie generation...this is what it is....
"When people get an "out of memory" error message from their computer, they often think their hard drive (Oveall life) is full/done, when in reality, the RAM ...(experiences) is taking too much pressure on their computer overall limited memory (RAM...+Hard Disc) available...Here is the relative day today real life explaination according to me...People sometime just try to covert their experiences (Good+Bad) into permanant memories (Just Like Hard Disc memory) occupying most of their precious Brain's Total memory available (Human Geneally use .01 to 10% of the brain in their lifetime)......and Just limit themselves in life...

"Experiences should eventually be like RAM (short term but important part of computer functioning) in your computer(i.e. Brain)...Help Programs (day to-day work) to perform necessary tasks with speed, efficiency and effectiveness...ESSENTIALLY...More efficiently you convert your bitter/good experences from Hard Memory in your Brain to RAM in your Brain...More it will help you function effectively & efficiently with speed in making right/good choices or decision in life!!!"

Happy Dushera to all and Change your "memories from Hard Disc Memory to RAM and see the difference it will bring in your life:)"

Copyright © 2010


Unknown said...

sahi hai bhai, but what i think here is a microprocessor who decides where or whom to allocate this bit to, that is what i call a self being or self crap or whatever(not finding the name), SO THIS IS THE THING WHO DECIDES IS THE ULTIMATUM IF U WANNA BE HAPPY OR NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blab said...

Sahi Bola bhai...I am loving it...I am "ULTIMATELY" LIMITING myself to my "CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE" :) ...anyway...always good to have a "proof Reader" like you...:)

Unknown said...

Very True.....Sirji !! good to see ajay in different mood.....reflecting life?

Ashu said...

Computer ki Language samjahan difficult hai...But true to say that do not make bad experience accomandate r hard drive ..i mean permanent memory...Kaya mallum system ko crash kar diya to...Lol.

I m loving ur blogs bhai..keep writing.

Blab said...

@ Ashu...Will rewrite this with another example which is more easy to understand...Wait for some more time:)